Local Student Rides to Raise Funds for YFC

March 2, 2022


Jazlyn "Jazzy" Pattullo an 8th grader from Caro Middle School will be raising funds for YFC on a 500 mile snowmobile ride in Minnesota starting Feb. 28th. She says she wants to help support YFC due to the positive impact the ministry is making on her and her friends. Jazzy isn't the first Pattullo do raise funds for YFC this way. Her brother, Matthew, rode in 2019 to support YFC. See her letter in the photos below for info on the trip. Donations can be sent directly to Jazzy at her home address of 2330 Jacob Rd. Caro MI 48723 (make checks out to YFC) or by going to the Give page here on the website. THANK YOU, JAZZY! Photos: Brother Matthew, Jazzy on her snowmobile and father, Mike. Map and letter.

Letter and map of Jazzy's journey